Court proceedings


Court proceedings


Public procurement


  1. pl
  2. en

Family law

Medical law

Competition and consumer


Administrative law

Criminal law

Real estate and construction

Employment law

Civil and inheritance law

Debt collection

Corporate law


Miłosz Rabczyński Kancelaria, Adwokat, Kraków, Kielce,  sygnaliści
Miłosz Rabczyński Kancelaria, Adwokat, Kraków, Kielce,  sygnaliści
Miłosz Rabczyński Kancelaria, Adwokat, Kraków, Kielce,  sygnaliści
Miłosz Rabczyński Kancelaria, Adwokat, Kraków, Kielce,  sygnaliści

RP Legal Miłosz Rabczyński Law Firm

Main branch (delivery address):

ul. Smolki 8/5, 30-513 Kraków, Poland

Miłosz Rabczyński Kancelaria, Adwokat, Kraków, Kielce,  sygnaliści

NIP (TAX ID): 6572795340, REGON: 383857146


phone no.: +48 504 653 934





Pro Bono


RP Legal Wojciech Półtorak Law Firm

Main branch (delivery address):

ul. Zjednoczenia 2, 34-130 Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Poland

NIP (TAX ID): 5512489018, REGON383395622


phone no.: +48 505 976 178



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The Law Firm operates throughout Poland. Our attorneys gained their experience over the years of working in various institutions, which affects in rich offer of the Law Firm.


We provide comprehensive client service and reliable support in companies day-to-day operations, based on proven solutions.


We have knowledge and creativity, so we can do the best while solving legal problems. We ensure full discretion, guarantee adequate protection of client's data and keeping legal secrecy.





He graduated the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. In 2014 he defended his master's thesis entitled "Companies in private international law" at the Department of Private International Law.


He gained his experience while cooperation with renowned law firms operating in Kraków, Warsaw and Kielce.


In 2016, he started an attorney apprenticeship before the Bar Association in Krakow. Three years later he passed the bar exam with a positive result, which means that in 2019 he was entered on the list of attorneys at the Bar Association  in Krakow.


He is interested in commercial law and specializes in conducting court proceedings in the field of civil and commercial law. As part of his practice, he advised entrepreneurs related to the energy, construction (FIDIC contrancts), transport, real estate and e-commerce sectors.


Phone no.: + 48 504 653 934


Court proceedings





He graduated of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.


In 2016, he started an attorney apprenticeship before the Bar Association in Krakow. In 2019, he successfully passed the bar exam and was entered on the list of attorneys at the Bar Association in Bielsko-Biała.


He gained his experience in local government administration in Kraków and in cooperation with reputable law firms. Currently he runs a Law Firm in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, under which he provides legal assistance to private clients and entrepreneurs.


His interests include civil, criminal and economic law. Wojciech also has experience in the field of comprehensive legal services for domestic enterprises.


Phone no.: +48 505 976 178


MATEUSZ SANETRA - attorney-at-law


A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Krakow Academy of Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski. He defended his master's thesis at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure in 2014, entitled "Contradictory Problems in the Criminal Procedure at the Stage of Jurisdiction Proceedings in the Light of the Applicable Laws and the Amendment to the Code of Criminal Procedure". A graduate of the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution. Member of the Bar Association in Kraków since 2016.
He specializes in the defense in a wide range of criminal proceedings, in particular in the field of economic and organized crime as well as drug and communication crimes. In the area of ​​his practice, he also deals with commercial and civil matters, including compensation cases.


KAROLINA RATAJ - MAJDA - attorney-at-law


She graduated of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. She completed her studies with the defense of the thesis under the patronage of professor of the Jagiellonian University, Dr. hab. Adam Górski - "Caesarean section at the patient's request. Criminal law assessment".


She continued her specialization in medical law, both in the field of criminal and civil law, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Warsaw, completing post-graduate studies there.


She completed an attorney apprenticeship at the Bar Association in Kraków, where for three years she was the president of the trainees and the chairman of the attorney trainees council.


She gained her experience practicing in renowned Kraków and Silesian law firms, as well as in common courts.



She specializes in medical, family, property and inheritance law.



She graduated of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. She completed her studies with the defense of the thesis under the patronage of professor of the Jagiellonian University, Dr. hab. Adam Górski - "Caesarean section at the patient's request. Criminal law assessment".


She continued her specialization in medical law, both in the field of criminal and civil law, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Warsaw, completing post-graduate studies there.


She completed an attorney apprenticeship at the Bar Association in Kraków, where for three years she was the president of the trainees and the chairman of the attorney trainees council.


She gained her experience practicing in renowned Kraków and Silesian law firms, as well as in common courts.



She specializes in medical, family, property and inheritance law.